Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 2 Story Topics

I think I am planning on doing a storybook instead of a portfolio to make it more interesting and challenging for myself. I'm not sure what topics I would want to write about but here are a few options that I found:

I really think the Cherokee Myths Unit would be interesting to read and I think I could make some creative stories of out them. I am not familiar with that many of their myths but I would like to learn. I am curious to see if they are simple stories or if they have a lot of detail. I just think they would be very interesting to read and decipher. I have the choice of 26 different myths and I could use them in a story that acted as chapters of a book.
Cherokee Leader
Another unit that I think I would enjoy is the Robin Hood Unit. Robin Hood was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and I would like to read the actual tale of it. I know that the tales are usually different than the renditions and remakes so I think it would be fun to know all of it. The unit is consisted of 20 readings and endless research opportunities. 
Robin Hood
The Unit of The Tales of a Parrot seems really funny and interesting. Just the idea and creativity in general of a parrot saving the purity of the wife who's husband is away is incredible. It is interesting to think that the parrot had to come up with new stories everyday that would keep the woman at home. To stay behind and listen to a parrot, the stories must be really interesting and attention grabbing. It would be fun to try to be creative with an already so creative set of stories. This section has 21 readings, but there is much room for research and different takes on the story.
Tales of a Parrot
Lastly, the next unit that I find interesting is The American Indian Fairy Tales Unit. For some reason I love learning about the American Indian culture and I enjoy hearing all of their tales. They are always so simple but have so much depth to them. I feel like I could morph a couple of stories together to make a timeline and work it from there. There are 17 readings for this section but I have endless opportunities for research. I feel like I could be very creative with this section. 
American Indian Tales

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 2 Storytelling: Homer's Odyssey

Alyssa has an independent, wandering soul. When she was little she would wander about the park, in the grocery store, and throughout the neighborhood. When she became older her wandering led her farther and farther away from home and she became more dependent upon herself to do everything herself. Once she was old enough and had finally realized how far she had wandered from home, she was half the world away. Alyssa was tired of being away from home and tired of constantly being on the move and decided that she would go home. This is where her journey home begins.

Alyssa decided to tell the people that she had wandered with that she was officially going to go home. They all told her that she shouldn't leave and forced her to stay. After a couple of days of not being able to start her journey, she decided that she was just going to make their lives a living hell by staying there. After a couple of more days, Alyssa's friends finally kicked her out and pushed her on her way out of annoyance. She was officially on her way.

Alyssa was proud of herself that she was able to escape the grasp of the people that kept her from her journey, however, she was not aware of all the struggle and effort it was going to take to finally reach home. She would have to drop her pride and actually use the help of others in order to get home. We must also remember that she continues to have a wandering soul, which will prolong her journey.

One day when traveling, Alyssa ran into a man named Casey. Casey, like herself, has the same sense of adventure and fear of staying still. After talking to him and listening to him speak of his next adventures she falls into his plans and prolongs her journey. Alyssa gets caught back in the safety of running away and having someone to share it with. Months go by and she finds herself even farther than she was before. When Alyssa realized how long she has wasted from traveling and not returning home, she built up enough courage and left Casey, her beloved wandering partner. And again, she is out of her comfort zone and continues her journey home. 

At this point in life Alyssa really does need help in returning home. As she is trying to plan out her journey in a coffee shop, the owner of the shop asks about her life, where she has been, and where she is headed. Terry, the coffee shop owner, listens to her story and since the place was pretty small so does everyone else. He tells her of his travels and his journey home as well and warns her that it will take lots of courage and determination to officially arrive home. She will need a fixed and steady determination to ignore all temptations and achieve what she wants in life. Women sitting at the table nearby speak of different transportation systems for Alyssa to use and tips for her upcoming journey. One of the women named Amy told her that she should surprise her family instead of letting them know of her return, that way they are overcome with happiness. Alyssa talked to everyone in the coffee shop and then gained enough courage and information to continue start on her way. 

With warning from her new found friends in the coffee shop she looked straight ahead at her goal: home. This helped for when she would find other wandering souls and they would invite her to join them. Alyssa would say no thank you, as much as she wanted to say yes, and continue on her way. The ultimate challenge, however, was yet to come. One day when traveling rather close to home, she ran into an old friend. This old friend, Skyler, is not any old friend though. Skyler is the one that as a child would egg her on when wanting to wander farther and farther. She would always dare Alyssa to walk one block farther or persuade her to find out what was on the other side of anything. When speaking to Skyler and telling her of her plans to return home, Skyler stopped and tried to convince her that going home was useless and a waste of time. Alyssa thought back to her friends in the coffee shop and knew that Skyler was the ultimate challenge. This was the top of the mountain for her; all of these obstacles have led her and prepared her to finally say no to Skyler and change her life officially. Alyssa stormed past Skyler and went on to return home. 
Wanderer (picture from Pixabay)
Author's Note: For this story I used Homer's Odyssey as a reference. First of all I chose names that helped me reference back to the characters in The Odyssey. I start the story with Alyssa being stopped by other wandering friends and coming up with a plan to escape them, just like how Ulysses had to come up with a plan to escape Polyphemus, the cyclopes. Next on Alyssa's journey is running into Casey who distracts her from her journey home. This is in reference to Circe and Ulysses keeping camp there with her for over a year. After leaving Casey, Alyssa talks to many people who give her tips and information about life. This is in reference to Ulysses speaking to all of the ghosts in hell. Alyssa's Terry is Ulysses's Terisesias in the fact that they are both like guidance counselors for them. Other wandering souls along the trip for Alyssa are like the Sirens for Ulysses. Lastly, Skyler is Alyssa's ultimate challenge in deciding to officially return home. For Ulysses, Scylla (the monster) is his ultimate last challenge he has to conquer in order to return home to Ithaca. 

Bibliography: Homer's Odyssey. Translated by Tony Kline. Translated version published 2004. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary continued: Homer's Odyssey

When reading the second half of Homer's Odyssey, here are a few notes/thoughts that I had while reading:

  • Ulysses talks to the dead and is reminded of home and of the long journey ahead 
  • Teiresias tells him his future and warms him on what is to come, kind of like a guidance counselor 
  • When speaking to his mother, Ulysses learns that his family is patiently waiting for his return and morns when he is gone
  • We often forget that there is a whole other story of the people waiting for the great hero to return. We forget about them and their feelings and usually only focus on Ulysses's adventures. 
  • He talked to many ghosts and heard from many of the women
  • Atreus tells him not to come home openly but secretly, his wife had killed him and warned Ulysses that things might be different when he returns home
  • He saw the afterlives of people in hell and how tortured they were, so he decided to leave and continue on his journey to go home
  • When passing the Sirens he is tempted to stop, they represent passing new temptations in life
  • Passing Scylla is like getting to the top of the mountain, getting to the ultimate challenge to continue on to home
Speaking to the Dead

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Homer's Odyssey

When reading Homer's Odyssey, here are a few notes/thoughts that I had while reading:

  • The cyclopes depend on the gods and don't do anything for themselves
  • On their island the cyclopes have a lot of potential for cultivation and growth but they do not take advantage of their opportunities. 
  • Ulysses searches the island to discover the character of the cyclopes - who they are as people and how they treat others
  • Ulysses and his men enter into Polyphemus's cave and use his stuff and eat his food without him being there
  • Both Polyphemus and Ulysses try to fool the other when figuring out information of each other
  • Ulysses is the one that ultimately fools Polyphemus in the end in many instances including saying his name is Nobody, using the fleeces, and getting Polyphemus drunk off of the strong wine
  • Ulysses downfall is when he continues to boast at Polyphemus from the boat - they almost are forced back to shore on multiple occasions and gives Polyphemus his real name
  • By giving Polyphemus his real name he becomes cursed for the rest of the trip
  • If not for his pride and his boasting, he could have made it home to Ithaca in a shorter amount of time with less loss
  • Ulysses is heroic in the fact that he will go back into turmoil to save his men and not leave him behind
  • He is a very complex character with conflicting characteristics 
  • He is enchanted by Circe and the life she lives that he and the men enjoy a years worth of enjoyment which in the end is lengthening their journey
  • They must go back into suffering in order to return home
  • When someone feels secure and is away from struggle he or she will want to spend as much time there before having to go back into the real world, which is hard. We see this with the element of Circe in the story.
Circe and Lions

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Learning Challenges

I think that I am most drawn to and focused on Happiness and Health. I find that days are most well spent with a great attitude and doing something that I enjoy. In my life I like to do at least one thing that I find enjoyable and that gives me happiness, whether that be going for a swim, making a new friend, or just watching other people interact. Having good health as well will lead me to better happiness. When I feel physically healthy it helps me feel mentally healthy. I feel fresh and ready for a new challenge. The aspect that I really need to work on is Attention. Sometimes I will be talking to someone and next thing I know I haven't heard the last couple minutes of a story. I need to make the effort and give people the opportunity to be heard and be cared about. I also am pretty bad at listening to someone and then a few days later forgetting that special aspect of that person. I want to remember facts about their lives so that they feel special when I ask specific questions.
Happiness Jar (picture from HEART blog)

Growth Mindset

After learning about the Growth Mindset, I agree that it is better to praise the effort and strategies that kids use in order to accomplish something. This is better than praising the talent or intelligence because then the kids are more likely to try again. When kids are praised for them doing well then they feel like they can do nothing worse than perfect in the future. When they fail, they are discouraged and often give up. I do think that praising the process is better in the end for the kid's work ethics. It was very interesting to listen to and it made me think of how I talk to children no the daily basis. Also making kids think that a challenge is the comfort zone, then more kids will want to work harder in the future. It is an interesting way of thinking that I had never considered before. 

Some of the different Growth Mindset Challenges that I am going to try this semester are:
Grow-Your-Writing-Process - I am so used to writing papers the same way with the same format. I am usually not very creative when it comes to different writing styles and it would be a challenge for me to try something new. 
Talk About Mindset - I am lucky to have a couple of friends that are very interested in the same type of hobbies and activities as me and I think that they would find this theory very interesting. I will try to grow awareness of this theory and hopefully have a good discussion about it. 
Grow By Watching Others - I find that I learn the most when I watch other people. The way people interact, handle situations, and pass the time. I learn new ways of thinking and observe different perspectives of life. I feel like watching others would broaden my mind and challenge it like nothing before. 

I have never heard of Carol Dweck before this assignment, but I am happy I have gotten to know about her and her beliefs. I think I have always seen myself as average, as strange as that sounds. People always want to believe that they are destined for greatness, which I know I can be, but for some reason I know that I am not the smartest in the class or the fastest on the team. I have always just accepted reality and not told myself I was something different when I wasn't. I could change my mindset towards school, future jobs, etc. if I could just challenge myself. I am scared to challenge myself because I feel like I won't achieve it, even though I usually do. Here at school I have learned how to fight past my shyness and force myself to study even if I don't want to. I have learned how to take care of myself and accept that sometimes I just make mistakes. For the duration of the year I want to tell myself I can do things even if I feel like they are impossible. I think changing my attitude towards a Growth Mindset would benefit me overall. 

Growth Mindset (from the growth mindset memes blog)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Friends: The One With All The Stories was a favorite of mine because it was just so creative. This author described completely different stories and formed them into one subject: Friends. For instance this author used greek legends and Aesop's fables including the fable Two Friends and the Bear, the fable The Wolf, The Fox, and The Gift, and lastly The Drowning Boy. She used her storybook in a great way to use different fables and stories to apply to the six characters in the show Friends. She even titled each storybook page like an episode would have been named.

Prince Charming: The World's Most Eligible Bachelor was a favorite of mine as well because this author managed to compare and contrast all the personalities of the most popular princesses that we all grew up learning about. In this story, Prince Charming is at a speed dating opportunity and shows his reaction to all the princesses. It is quite comical and an interesting twist on all of their own individual stories. I was a way to talk about all the princesses but keeping their stories connected in some way.

A Dog's Adventures was also a favorite of mine because it was simple, yet creative as well. I liked how instead of a person visiting place to place, it was a dog venturing instead. A dog will see life differently than a person. It was cute to watch him go from Mexico to France to Italy and seeing how each trip worked off of each other. The dog experienced different experiences in each place but overall had a great journey in general. This is a great way to use three completely different places in the world with different histories and backgrounds and to use them in one story that makes complete sense. Plus, using a dog as the main character is just adorable and enjoyable to read.

All of the designs, introductions, and topics of the storybooks were all very creative, detailed, and easy to read. They were very organized and just overall enjoyable!
(Traveling Dog)

Overview: UnTextbook

For week two I have chosen the classical unit Homer's Odyssey. I chose this topic because I read the Odyssey in high school and remember loving it, however, I don't remember most of it! I want to read again what I know I loved at one time.
Homer's Odyssey
(Odysseus and the Sirens)

Other units that I found interesting included:
Bible Women
There are less women than men named in the bible. When a woman is named or talked about in the bible, the one reading should know that that woman is indeed very important. I like reading about women in the bible because I can put myself in their shoes and try to imagine what I would've done if I were them.
Noah and the Ark
I've always loved this story for some reason. I guess it is because I imagine animals coming in two by two to stay in this ark that no one thought was going to be used. It is always one of those biblical stories that is told over and over to me as a child.
Women Saints of the Golden Legend
I love saints. I love learning about them, and I love reading about their courage, and I love that they were mere humans like me that used their love and made the world a better place. Saints always amaze me with their stories and I just love to learn about more.
Dante's Inferno
I also read Dante's Inferno in high school and thought it was so interesting. I enjoyed going level by level through all the types of sins and seeing how far down in hell they were considered. All of the imagery and descriptions of the people in hell are just amazing to read.
Saints and Animals
As I said before, I love the saints. Not only do I love the saints, but I also love animals. So putting these two subjects together is just a bonus. St. Francis of Assisi is also one of those saints that are just popular and mentioned at a young age and I am familiar with his story.


Hi everyone! My name is Claire and I am a junior here at the University of Oklahoma. I'm actually from Houston, TX so now I'm trying to get used to this winter cold!!! I'm studying Health and Exercise Science and hope to make it into grad school for a Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy. (Fingers crossed!!!)
(Campus Art: own picture taken by a friend)

Coming back from Christmas break I am just trying to get back into the swing of things. For the whole break we were either super busy or super lazy. In the beginning it was nonstop traveling all around Texas for different family events and then ended with a trip to Atlanta for the Peach Bowl. Of course I would be going to the University of Houston's (my dad is the biggest fan) bowl game instead of our own. And, for the last two weeks of break I just hung out with my family watching movies and going on walks with our dog Sophie! Well, more like my dog but they grew attached. She's a mini Australian shepherd and I've had her ever since I turned 16!
(Peach Bowl: own picture)
(Sophie: own picture)

When I am not with my family and either here at school or just out of the house I like to go on as many adventures as possible. I always find myself on some new road trip or last minute decision activity all the time. The adventures could be just going downtown and trying a new ice cream shop or randomly driving out of town to go camping for the weekend. I never really know what next thing I will do ever. I like to listen to pretty much any kind of music as long as it fits my mood that day. I love movies and TV shows but make sure that I don't become addicted. When I watched the TV series Dexter or even Parks and Recreation, it was unhealthy how addicted I was and how many episodes I would watch a day. I love going to the movie theater but never want to pay for the ticket! They are just so expensive these days! Some other facts about me are that I love to swim, I like to read (for example: I've read all the Game of Thrones books), my favorite color is blue, "I Don't Want to Pray" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros is my favorite song, I've never broken a bone, and I thoroughly enjoy a game of dominoes or cards or even just puzzles! Watch out though because I may get competitive during a close game.
(Puzzles: own picture)
(Wichita Mountains: own picture)
(Snow cones: own picture)


Y'all will probably learn more about me as the semester continues and I am excited to learn about y'all as well!!! Here's to an amazing year of 2016!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 1 Storytelling: I'll Sing You a Song

I'll Sing you a Song 

“I'll sing you a song,
Though not very long,
Yet I think it as pretty as any.
Put your hand in your purse,
You'll never be worse,
And give the poor singer a penny.”

(Excerpt From: “The Nursery Rhyme Book.” iBooks.)


Ralph grew up in the outskirts of town under the roof of his very loving family of his parents and two other siblings. Father was a farmer who worked every day of his life and mother was a stay at home mom that would do anything for her children. She would even sing them a song when they all went to bed at night. For some reason, when Ralph grew up and grew older, he wished for a more exciting life than the one he had, unlike his other siblings. For years he dreamed about leaving the country, finding a new home, and never coming back. He talked about living life on his own and finding his own way of life. He wanted to leave the typical small town atmosphere and lifestyle like his family. 
When he was of age he left home against his parent's wishes and started his journey. 
Hometown (wikipedia)
For years his journey was exciting and full of life. He traveled near and far, met interesting people, and thought he was headed somewhere great. He found a life in a busy city surrounded by people who had never known his home. He lived in this fast paced life for years and years constantly pushing his body and mind to the limit. He ignored contact with his family and continued to live life on his own. 

As years went by, friends had left, happiness was hard to come by, and family had felt like a ghost. He never had a constant companion or support group that cared for him in all parts of his life. He searched for happiness with money and thought the more he had the more he would enjoy life. At the peak of his loneliness he lost it all. He lost his friends, his fancy lifestyle, and his enjoyment of life in general. After losing everything he thought about how different his life would be if he had not been so selfish and had a true home with the people he didn't know he loved. 
City Life (Wikipedia)
At this point in life Ralph decided to go on one last life-changing journey. After working hard and long shifts to save money he would return to where he was living and sit on the front stairs. He would sit there and think about his choices in life and how he can better them now as an older man. Ralph would also sing, for it was comforting to hear the songs from his mother back in his childhood. 

Citizens would walk by as he sat there singing and wishing for a way back. Ralph would start with: "I'll sing you a song, though not very long, yet I think it is pretty as any." For he was desperate for a life of happiness and a yearning for true friendship and love in his life and would continue with: "Put your hand in your purse, you'll never be worse, and give the poor singer a penny." He was poor in the fact that he lacked love and compassion from others. Some out of pity gave him money and helped him on his way, but he continued on. 
The Singer (Flickr)
Although Ralph was older and his health was failing, he sat there every night. He sang his songs and hoped for a better life. In the end Ralph didn't make it home, for he never had enough to make the long travel. 

I'll Sing you a Song 

“I'll sing you a song,
Though not very long,
Yet I think it as pretty as any.
Put your hand in your purse,
You'll never be worse,
And give the poor singer a penny.”

A man searching for a more exciting life finds that what makes life exciting are the people in it. He then attempts to change his path and go back to where he stated from. 


Authors Note: When I read this nursery rhyme I immediately thought about the biblical story of the Prodigal Son. In that story, the son leaves home, loses all of his savings, then returns home to find his father still forgiving of him. In my story I also had a boy who wanted to leave home and finds himself wanting to return home as an older man, realizing everything he has missed out on. However, with this story he never makes it home. He comes to self-realization and self-improvement. I love stories of people finding true happiness and love in their lives and with Ralph it was through song and searching for a way home. 


Bibliography: This nursery rhyme can be found on page 57 in Our Country's Readers edited by M. Halley and Leonard Lemmon.

My Favorite Place: The Frio River

Frio River

In my lifetime I have traveled to many places, all beautiful and spectacular. One place, however, that left an impression on my mind the most is the Frio River located in the Hill Country of Texas. For those who may not know where this is located, this area of Texas is about two hours driving distance from San Antonio to the West. This place is not the most mesmerizing, gorgeous, or most interesting place in the world, but I find it comforting. My aunt and uncle own a river house there in Concan, TX and we spend many family gatherings there, for example,  Easter, the 4th of July, and even just weekend getaways. This place reminds me of the importance of family, friends, the need of fresh air, and just being able to sit without the world pulling you from each direction. The Frio River is my safe haven. During the summers we float the river, hang out in the rocks and wave at people passing by, go into town for festivals. During the winters we sit in rocking chairs, play games, and sit by the fire at night. Most importantly you can find us surrounded the dinner table sharing meals and enjoying each other's company. This place is not just beautiful and spectacular to me, it is a place I never become tired of or wish to leave. Everyone should visit this hidden beauty at some point in life, I mean it!  
Cliff Jumping
Both images can be found on a local rental site, check it out if you want to look into visiting the Frio River!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Comment Wall

Hi everyone! My name is Claire and I am ready to begin this class with all of you! It should be a good time! Let's start off this semester with a first day of school picture!

If anyone is having a stressful day, watch this video! It makes me laugh every time! 

Test Blog!

Hey hi hello, how's it going?