Tom Tit Tot - This girl had eaten her mother's five pies. The mother had accidentally told the king that she could spin five skeins a night. A black creature helped her spin them and would continue to if she could guess his name. The king had heard his name and had told her the story about the black creature. She guessed his name right and he was never seen again so she was safe.
The Rose-Tree - A stepmother had killed her step daughter in vain. She then was buried by her step brother who mourned for her. She sang her song as a bird and got red shoes, a gold chain, and a stone from workers. The two gifts were given to the father and step brother, and the stone fell from the sky and killed the stepmother.
The Old Woman and Her Pig - It is a waterfall story. It took all the way till the cat to agree to her plan. From then on all followed through from what was happening to them and the lady finally got home.
Binnorie - One elder sister had married a knight. He started to fall for her younger sister. The elder sister took her sister to the river and drowned her. The mill's daughter had found her and a harper/singer had also been near. He made a harp out of her hair and bones. He went to the kingdom and let the harp sing for the first time. After singing what happened to her the harp broke and never played again.
Mouse and Mouser - The mouse had come to confront the mouse about eating its pudding then the cat confessed then ate the mouse as well.
Cap O' Rushes - Her father had asked how much she loved him and she said that she loved him as much as meat likes salt. He saw this as nothing and sent her away. She got a job at the kingdom and did a cinderella story and fell in love with the master's son. Her father was invited and made his meat not salted. He realized her love and she was there to hug him in the end.
The Story of the Three Little Pigs - The first two pigs were not smart enough to choose bricks for their houses. The pig then fooled the wolf many times because he was smart. Later the wolf was so desperate that he wasn't cunning enough to win.
The Master and His Pupil - The pupil always wanted to know what was in the master's book. One day the master was going on a journey and forgot to close the book. The demon came out and was going to drown the whole city because of the pupil. The master remembered, however, and returned home to make things right.
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The Master and His Pupil |
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