Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Looking at Other Blogs

I really like Cassie's Blog in the fact that it is so bright and easy to read. The contrasting colors bring a type of excited spirit into her stories, which makes it more enjoyable. Her blog shows part of her personality.

I also really enjoyed looking at Alexandra's Myths because it has lots of personality as well. It has a pattern in the background that shows hobbies that she likes to do and it's a really calming color blue. Blue is my favorite color so I enjoyed reading from it a lot.

Another blog that I really enjoyed looking at is Austin's blog because it seems very calm. He has a wood background and it shows that he is natural. It is simple yet beautiful at the same time. I think he captured his personality with just the look of his page.

For me, I like how my blog looks but I still don't have a title for it. At first it started out with me just putting something there till I thought of something, but now half of the semester has gone by and I still haven't changed it. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!

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