Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Chinese Fairy Tales

This week I decided to read the Chinese Fairy Tales Unit by R. Wilhem and translated by Frederick H. Martens in 1921.

The Little Hunting Dog - This group of tiny men, the size of bugs, came into the Buddhist temple. The man watched them go about. He took care of the left dog but in the morning accidentally squished it. 

Fox-Fire - The man accidentally took the fox's powers. For thirty years he used it and then finally the fox took them back.

The Talking Silver Foxes - The Silver foxes could speak to humans. All people were scared and confused of them talking. A hunter came to down and caught it, killed it, and sold it's fur. This is why they no longer talk anymore.

Retribution - An old man had died and he did nothing about it, as years went by, the man that had died was reincarnated as the neighbor's young boy. Time went on and one day the boy turned to old man had slipped and fell just like the other. 

The Night on the Battlefield - A merchant was staying at an inn in a side room. The general had come in and had taken off each body part. The innkeepers said later that it's a battlefield and weird, spiritual events happen on these grounds. 

The Maiden Who was Stolen Away - Girl was stolen away and the ogre wanted to marry her in disguise. The maiden never said yes. A neighbor had found her clothes and the her brother went with other neighbors to bring her back safely. Now she was back all safe and sound. 

The Flying Ogre - A woman was fleeing for her life. The person running after her was chasing her because she was an ogre and needed to be killed. 

The Sorcerer and the White Lotus Lodge - The students kept on breaking their promises. They tried to get the sorcerer in trouble but in the end were just tricked by him.

The Three Evils - The guy knew he was part of the bad luck for the community. He killed the dragon and then killed the tiger. In the end he ended up killing himself as well for the better for his people.

How the River God's Wedding was Broken Off - They would throw a girl into the river each year to marry the river god. One year this guy came and showed them all a lesson. The sorcerers and witches confessed and all agreed to never do this evil tradition again.

Yang Gui Fe - The emperor had to kill this girl who he loved dearly. He sent a magician into the world of death to see if she had become blessed. She did and the magician brought back her ring so the emperor knew it was true. 
Yang Gui Fe

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