Thursday, January 21, 2016

Learning Challenges

I think that I am most drawn to and focused on Happiness and Health. I find that days are most well spent with a great attitude and doing something that I enjoy. In my life I like to do at least one thing that I find enjoyable and that gives me happiness, whether that be going for a swim, making a new friend, or just watching other people interact. Having good health as well will lead me to better happiness. When I feel physically healthy it helps me feel mentally healthy. I feel fresh and ready for a new challenge. The aspect that I really need to work on is Attention. Sometimes I will be talking to someone and next thing I know I haven't heard the last couple minutes of a story. I need to make the effort and give people the opportunity to be heard and be cared about. I also am pretty bad at listening to someone and then a few days later forgetting that special aspect of that person. I want to remember facts about their lives so that they feel special when I ask specific questions.
Happiness Jar (picture from HEART blog)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you some times we have so many things going on around us that it’s hard to really pay attention! I also need to learn to shut out the background noise and really listen to what the person I’m talking to is saying. I know I would be frustrated if I thought that I wasn’t really being heard! I like that you said you want to work on remembering special aspects of a person. It makes me feel special when I’m talking to someone and they bring up something unique to me!
