Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Storybook Favorites

Friends: The One With All The Stories was a favorite of mine because it was just so creative. This author described completely different stories and formed them into one subject: Friends. For instance this author used greek legends and Aesop's fables including the fable Two Friends and the Bear, the fable The Wolf, The Fox, and The Gift, and lastly The Drowning Boy. She used her storybook in a great way to use different fables and stories to apply to the six characters in the show Friends. She even titled each storybook page like an episode would have been named.

Prince Charming: The World's Most Eligible Bachelor was a favorite of mine as well because this author managed to compare and contrast all the personalities of the most popular princesses that we all grew up learning about. In this story, Prince Charming is at a speed dating opportunity and shows his reaction to all the princesses. It is quite comical and an interesting twist on all of their own individual stories. I was a way to talk about all the princesses but keeping their stories connected in some way.

A Dog's Adventures was also a favorite of mine because it was simple, yet creative as well. I liked how instead of a person visiting place to place, it was a dog venturing instead. A dog will see life differently than a person. It was cute to watch him go from Mexico to France to Italy and seeing how each trip worked off of each other. The dog experienced different experiences in each place but overall had a great journey in general. This is a great way to use three completely different places in the world with different histories and backgrounds and to use them in one story that makes complete sense. Plus, using a dog as the main character is just adorable and enjoyable to read.

All of the designs, introductions, and topics of the storybooks were all very creative, detailed, and easy to read. They were very organized and just overall enjoyable!
(Traveling Dog)

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