Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 2 Story Topics

I think I am planning on doing a storybook instead of a portfolio to make it more interesting and challenging for myself. I'm not sure what topics I would want to write about but here are a few options that I found:

I really think the Cherokee Myths Unit would be interesting to read and I think I could make some creative stories of out them. I am not familiar with that many of their myths but I would like to learn. I am curious to see if they are simple stories or if they have a lot of detail. I just think they would be very interesting to read and decipher. I have the choice of 26 different myths and I could use them in a story that acted as chapters of a book.
Cherokee Leader
Another unit that I think I would enjoy is the Robin Hood Unit. Robin Hood was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid and I would like to read the actual tale of it. I know that the tales are usually different than the renditions and remakes so I think it would be fun to know all of it. The unit is consisted of 20 readings and endless research opportunities. 
Robin Hood
The Unit of The Tales of a Parrot seems really funny and interesting. Just the idea and creativity in general of a parrot saving the purity of the wife who's husband is away is incredible. It is interesting to think that the parrot had to come up with new stories everyday that would keep the woman at home. To stay behind and listen to a parrot, the stories must be really interesting and attention grabbing. It would be fun to try to be creative with an already so creative set of stories. This section has 21 readings, but there is much room for research and different takes on the story.
Tales of a Parrot
Lastly, the next unit that I find interesting is The American Indian Fairy Tales Unit. For some reason I love learning about the American Indian culture and I enjoy hearing all of their tales. They are always so simple but have so much depth to them. I feel like I could morph a couple of stories together to make a timeline and work it from there. There are 17 readings for this section but I have endless opportunities for research. I feel like I could be very creative with this section. 
American Indian Tales

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