Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thoughts About Comments

When looking back over the comments that people have left me over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that everyone is so helpful. I noticed a pattern with the stories that involved me changing the characters in my stories from animals to humans was greatly liked by all. I think they agree with me that writing a story about people is very relatable and can be applied to each of our lives more easily. I also noticed that on the comments on my introduction are so welcoming and nice. For those who really paid attention to my introduction and mentioned main points, I was very thankful for their encouragement. I read comments as they come in but it is nice to go back and look at all of them! There are way more now I am noticing than when they first starting coming in! I also think that I have been doing a good job with my comments. I like for the writer to know that I spent the time to read their story or blog.

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