Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary continued: Twenty-Two Goblins

This week I decided to read theTwenty-Two Goblins Unit by Arthur W. Ryder. I thought it was interesting to read about a bunch of riddles and to see if the King would get them all right! 

The Snake's Poison - A man died from accidentally consuming snake's poison in his food. He tried to blame all others for his death, but in reality he was the one who accidentally killed himself. The others did not know what was happening or were just trying to be charitable. 

The Girl and the Thief - A girl fell in love with a man who was being put to the stake. He both wept and laughed when seeing his fate. He was brought back to life to fulfill the rest of his life and marry the merchant's daughter.

The General's Wife - A beautiful woman had married a general and the King had fallen in love with her. The husband offered his wife to the king but the king refused saying that that was against his virtue. The king is the hero in this story because he deprived himself of having everything that many kings wouldn't have done in his place.

The Four Brothers - These four brothers all learned different skills. The first three were making the lion but not realizing what they were making. The fourth brother is the one who realized what animal it was and brought it to life. The fourth brother is the reason why they all died. 

The Old Hermit - The hermit saw that a young boy had died and he decided to take over his body and continue his life. He was sad to leave his old body but excited for the future. 

Father and Son, Daughter and Mother - The riddle of where the son married the mother and the father married the daughter was finally the riddle that stumped the King. He could not answer. Because of him being able to answer so many riddles and take up so much time, the goblin them saved his life by telling him of the monk's plans. Without the goblin, the King might have been hurt. 

Conclusion - He did as the goblin had told him and killed the monk. The goblin and everyone else was happy and the king told him that he wanted all of these stories to be heard. The king was now the god of fairies. 
God of Fairies

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